CECA Y&H Mock Trial – Service Strike

8 Oct
8 October 2024, 8:30 am - 1:00 pm
Morley Town Hall, Queen Street, Morley, Leeds, LS27 9DY

CECA Y&H are pleased to announce this FREE Mock Trial event, in conjunction with DAC Beachcroft.

There are over 60,000 cable strikes every year with electricity causing the most significant injuries.

Significant fines can be imposed if a cable strike leads to a successful prosecution –an engineering company was fined £55,000 plus £30,000 in costs after a worker sustained 60% burns following a high voltage cable strike on the Crossrail project.

But what happens if a company gets all of those things right?

What happens if there is still a cable strike despite a company’s best efforts?

When will HSE focus its attention on individuals?

You will sit as a juror in a mock trial of an employee prosecuted under the Health and Safety at Work Act.

You will see a “snapshot” of evidence from the prosecution and the defence as an employee has to face the consequences of his actions and inactions.

You will be asked to determine guilt – and fine.

Why Should You Attend?

Delegates of our previous mock trial experience sessions have told us that following the session, they were intent on making sure they never experience a trial in real life. Therefore the key messages delivered throughout the mock trial tends to stay with workers and for many, this has an impact on the decisions they make every day during their working lives.

This mock trial will be an innovative and engaging event held in a real Courtroom. Rather than merely telling you what the law says you must do, you will witness a practical example of a trial in action. You will be asked to decide the fate of the defendant.

This is an innovative and engaging session lead by DAC Beachcroft. It will provide delegates with an insight into the mechanics of a trial and will demonstrate the challenges faced by those who have to give evidence in Crown Court and will give guidance on how to comply with the law.

The event is FREE to CECA members.

8:30am – Registration (breakfast sandwiches & refreshments included)

9:00am – Start

1:00pm – Finish

Please note: A non-attendance fee of £75+VAT will be charged to any registrant that fails to provide at least 48 hours notice of cancellation.