“Creating Work Opportunities”
This is all about our engagement with construction clients, developing construction related policies, supporting a pragmatic commercial environment and identifying future workload opportunities for our members.
What we’ll be doing in 2025 :
- promoting the value of infrastructure investment at Welsh and UK levels through a targeted communications plan with key politicians and decision makers :
- meeting key clients and politicians in a structured engagement programme to influence thinking and decision-making around infrastructure and civil engineering matters in Wales :
- establishing a clear engagement programme with construction clients across the public and private sectors followed by briefing sessions for members on work opportunities :
- working with clients to publish their 12-24 month work programmes
- informing and influencing discussions on fair payment and retentions
- promoting more equitable forms of risk management amongst clients
- informing and influencing policy making by inputting to infrastructure specific Welsh and UK government reviews
- taking a lead role on appropriate and specific industry groups
- engaging across the sector to achieve a fairer, more balanced procurement process that recognises equitable risk transfer