Attracting Workforce

Attracting and Encouraging a Diverse and Talented Workforce

One of the biggest challenges facing the industry is attracting enough talented people into the workforce from diverse backgrounds to support the sector as the anticipated increase in workload materialises. We are working with members, industry partners and stakeholders to help attract new recruits and convince parents and teachers of the value of a career in civil engineering.

We will seek, where possible, to embrace and support arrangements that both member and regional bodies already have in place to engage with the next generation of civil engineering contractors in colleges, schools and academies within the region.

CECA (South West) is proud to have supported The Solent Civil Engineering Employers’ Group, who, in conjunction with Fareham College, is offering an exciting new Apprenticeship programme designed to prepare young people and adults for a career in civil engineering. The Civil Engineering and Groundworks Apprenticeship (CEGA) will enable participants to develop the skills needed to work across a diverse range of construction sites and get paid a wage while gaining a recognised qualification. CEGA will be delivered at The Civil Engineering Training Centre (CETC), and the course has been specially designed to ensure all apprentices are job ready after a twenty-week site preparation programme.

CECA (South West) has close ties with Plymouth, Bath and Exeter Universities and champions an annual industrial placement award for the best student placement with a member company.

CECA South West Foundations Group

The CECA SW Foundations Group was set up in 2018 comprising enthusiastic young graduate engineers and technicians in the region who have a passion for our industry. The idea for the group is to develop its own agenda (e.g. reaching out to young people, addressing environmental concerns, exploring new technologies).  We always welcome new members, so if you have a young, energetic engineer or technician in your employ who fits the description above please let us know. The group will hopefully encourage wider participation in CECA activities generally by young people and help to future-proof our organisation for years to come. The Group have their own CECA logo, email address and LinkedIn account.

CECA South West Lunch & Awards

CECA South West presents industry awards to our best young professionals at our annual Lunch & Awards day. Click here for more information.

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CECA South West, together with its legal partner DAC Beachcroft, is putting on a new mock trial at Sandy Park on the morning of  Tuesday 11th March 2025. This brand-new mock trial is being developed especially for us and will be based on the dangers of operatives working in and around plant. Don’t miss out…