The Civil Engineering Contractors Association (South West) covers Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Wiltshire and Bristol, as well as the Isles of Scilly. Our regional members range in size from the largest contractors to SMEs and relatively fledgling companies. Common to all is their involvement in the delivery and maintenance of the UK’s infrastructure.
As well as supporting training and apprenticeships, and engaging with Government departments, we arrange client liaison meetings, which allows client bodies to outline their strategic plans, in terms of procurement, spend profile, etc, whilst collectively feeding back member issues and concerns.
We also work in partnership with like-minded organisations, such as professional institutions and trade federations to further the interests of those working in the infrastructure sector.
Mindful of the need to encourage young people into our industry, we engage closely with universities, colleges and schools in the region, supporting apprenticeships, coordinating student placements in industry, recognising young achievers through our ‘most promising’ awards, hosting school challenge events and attending careers fairs.
We are proud of the work our members do and work every day to promote their achievements and the exciting opportunities available in our sector.
Last, but not least, we work hard to lobby and persuade decision makers to invest in infrastructure.
CECA (South West) is governed by the Board of CECA (Southern) Ltd.
The Chair of CECA (South West) is Phil Ramsden (Northavon).
Andy Pritchard, Tilbury Douglas, is the representative for the South West on the Board of CECA (Southern) Ltd.
The South West Advisory Group, consisting of the Chair, Vice Chair, previous Chairs and Regional Director meet on a regular basis to discuss issues which affect members in the South West.
The CECA South West 2024 Annual Review can be found here.