Adding Value Through Collaboration
Collaboration helps us to do our best work. It is an essential component for problem-solving and decision making. We believe that successful collaboration leverages unique opportunities, builds trust and empowerment among collaborators, and creates new mutually beneficial opportunities.
The Manchester Lecture is one of the UK’s leading one day events within the built environment, bringing together a broad cross-section of industry professionals, experts and many civil engineering surveying practitioners. The event itself is a collaboration between CICES and CECA NW. The outline programme is:
Keynote Address: Craig Bennett, CEO of the Wildlife Trust
Optimising Contacts: Unleashing value through collaborative practices: Rob Hubbard, Principal Consultant, Cantidad Ltd
How effective is NEC4 clause 10.2: Geraldine Fleming, Operations Director, Driver Trett
NUAR – mapping the underground together: Sarah Currie, Geospatial Commission
Collaboration and Prolongation Cost Recovery: Sean Gibbs, Hanscomb Intercontinental
Why successful collaboration and partnering can enhance your company and give it the platform for growth: Colin Murphy, Murphy Geospatial
Collaborative behaviours: PPP aims to remove barriers through the introduction of innovative methods: Martyn Cassidy, Morgan Sindall Infrastructure as part of the Programme and Project Partners (PPP)
Katie Day, Director of Strategy, Analysis & Communications, Transport for the North
The event fee includes parking, light breakfast served on arrival, lunch and all refreshments.
Event fees:
Early bird rate (up to 1st December)
£100 CICES & CECA members
£125 Non members
£65 Students
After 1st December
£125 CICES & CECA members
£150 Non members
Thanks to our event sponsors: Damian James, Driver Trett, Hanscomb Intercontinental, Kuits LLP
Secure your place now.