This workshop is recommended for anyone who is involved in preparing or reviewing contract documents at tender stage, as well as anyone involved in administering an ECC contract on a live project to understand what part the documents play in the administration of a project. This will include project managers, contract managers, quantity surveyors, clients, consultants, planners, Contractors and their supply chain.
You will learn about:
- The main ECC contract documents that make up a signed contract
- Choice of primary and secondary options and associated pricing document and how they alter Contractor’s risk
- Ways of allocating risk through the different contract documents
- Elements of Contract Data part 1 completed by Client
- Considerations for completing Contract Data part 2 by the Contractor
- Importance of Scope and Site Information
- Compensation events and how they proportion whose risk is what under the contract
- Client’s risk within section 8 of the contract and within Contract Data
- Defined Costs and Disallowed Costs under the contract
- The specific requirements of the early warning process and resultant NEC Risk Register/Early Warning Register
- How risk can be dealt with differently for individual compensation events.
If you are a CECA Midlands member and would like to attend this course, please contact