CECA Midlands NEC4 Programme Workshop

Midlands Members only
11 Jun
11 June 2025, 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
MS Teams

Attendees of this course will gain a much clearer understanding of the intent of the specific clauses related to programme and compensation events and in practical terms how they should administer them for the benefit of all parties on a particular project

Key topics include:

•    Programme requirements within ECC contract

•    The acceptance process and its contractual significance

•    Logic linking of activities and the critical path

•    Different types of float that are required to be demonstrated and who owns them

•    Early warning process in relation to programmes

•    Compensation events and effect on Completion Date

•    Programme submissions & reporting.

If you are a CECA Midlands member and would like to attend this course, please contact office@cecamidlands.co.uk.