Best Practice Bid Writing Workshop

North West Members only
26 Mar
26 March 2025, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
The Innovation Centre, Sci-Tech Daresbury, Warrington WA4 4FS

A one day training course that looks at tendering from both the customer’s and bidder’s perspective. The course introduces attendees to a methodology (process, tools and techniques) that can streamline and simplify your internal tendering process and produce significantly improved bids, that are both compelling and customer focused. Through the interactive nature of the day attendees will have the opportunity to apply elements of the methodology to their own solutions/services, bringing the theory to life and maximising the value they realise from it.

Areas covered during the day include:

The Customer’s evaluation team and process

  • How customers go about building an evaluation team
  • The process they go through when evaluating a tender
  • Analysing the evaluation criteria and modelling quality/price weightings

Tender evaluation activity

Selling in tenders – features and benefits

Bid writing methodology

  • Kick off meeting
  • Question analysis – designing the optimal structure for your answer
  • Answer guidance – a tool to assist question owners in producing high quality answers
  • Writing content – various hints and tips
  • Contractual considerations
  • Response checklist – to ensure responses follow best practice
  • Red team review – an independent peer review in advance of the bid submission

The course has been specifically developed for individuals who contribute to their organisation’s tender responses, whether that is writing answers, managing the bid process or reviewing the final response.

The course will be delivered by Richard Tobias of Impart