CECA South West ‘Safe Digging’ Event

CECA South West held a successful all-day event at Exeter Racecourse with guest speakers, field demonstrations and exhibitions based around the theme of ‘Safe Digging’ on Thursday (11 July).

UPDATE 18/07/24 – you can now view and/or download the slides from the day here and here.

Guest speakers included representatives from Kier, Costain, MJ Church, Leica and Plantforce, John Mee VAC-EX, LSBUD, Coaching Cultural Solutions and CECA’s very own National Civil Engineering Director Peter Crosland. Field demonstrations were staged by Mammoth-MTS and John Mee VAC-EX; Plantforce and Leica; MJ Church and Trimble, while demonstrators at the event were representatives of MJ Church; Intuety; Teignmouth Maritime Services (TMS); Kier; RVT Group; Jackson Geo Services; One Point Survey / Leica; Sumo; and last but not least, the CECA SW Foundations Group.

The main sponsor for the day was Babcock International (Devonport) to whom CECA SW would like to offer our special thanks.

You can view an album of all the fantastic photos from the day on Flickr here (just click the image):

CECA South West 'Safe Digging' Event - 10 July 2024 - Exeter Racecourse

Over 100 delegates attended throughout the day – you can download the agenda here, and if you are interested in further information about CECA SW’s work in this important field contact CECA SW Director Paul Santer.