CECA runs a number of sector and issue-specific industry groups which meet regularly throughout the year. If your company is a CECA member, you are entitled to join any or all of these groups to network, hear directly from major clients, industry decision makers and other stakeholders, and engage in the work CECA does to improve the business environment for our members.

All of the resources and documentation relating to CECA’s member-only sector groups are stored in the members’ area of the CECA website, which you must register to access.

CECA sector groups meet both in person and remotely.

All employees of CECA member companies are entitled to attend the following industry groups:

CECA ROADS GROUP – the CECA Roads Group is convened for members engaged in the repair, maintenance and delivery of roads infrastructure in all parts of the UK. Regular speakers include the Department for Transport, National Highways, local councils, Sub-National Transport Bodies and other important clients. If you would like more information or to attend the CECA Roads Group, contact CECA Director of Operations Marie-Claude Hemming.

CECA RAIL GROUP – the CECA Rail Group (formerly Rail Forum) meets four times annually where CECA members can hear directly from speakers from clients and regulators including Network Rail, HS2 Ltd, Transport for London, Sub-National Transport Bodies, and other clients and industry stakeholders. if you would like more information or to attend the CECA Rail Group, contact CECA Rail Director Hannah Rock.

CECA ENVIRONMENT GROUP – the CECA Environment Group hears from Government, regulators, private-sector organisations and innovators, and discusses the latest developments in environmental legislation, the ‘greening’ of infrastructure, industry approaches to the low carbon agenda, and much more besides. If you would like more information or to attend the CECA Environment Group, contact CECA National Civil Engineering Director Peter Crosland.

CECA LEGAL & COMMERCIAL GROUP – CECA members can engage with legal and policy professionals to receive the most up-to-date information regarding legal developments that affect their businesses, as well as covering specific topics relevant to contractors such as Brexit, Professional Indemnity Insurance, and contractual matters. If you would like more information or to join CECA’s Legal & Commercial Group contact CECA Director of Operations Marie-Claude Hemming.

CECA TRANSPORT GROUP – the CECA Transport Group meets to discuss strategic issues related to transport infrastructure and policy. Recent presenters have included HS2, Transport for the South East, UK Power Networks, Midlands Connect, and Heathrow. If you would like more information or to join CECA’s Transport Group, contact CECA Director of Operations Marie-Claude Hemming.

CECA WATER GROUP – the CECA Water Group meets to discuss issues of relevance to contractors working in the water and waste water sectors. Recent speakers have included representatives of Thames Water, Yorkshire Water, Welsh Water, Ofwat, and the Future Water Association. If you would like more information or to join CECA’s Water Group, contact CECA National Civil Engineering Director Peter Crosland.

CECA HEALTH, SAFETY & WELLBEING GROUP – Health, safety and wellbeing are topics of vital importance to every contractor and have special relevance to all those working in construction and infrastructure. Keep track of the latest developments and hear from leading industry experts. If you would like to know more or to join the HS&W Group contact CECA National Civil Engineering Director Peter Crosland.

CECA PROCUREMENT GROUP – Procurement (including PQQs) is a key issue for CECA members. CECA’s Procurement Group actively works to develop policy and recommendations to minimise bureaucracy and cost in the procurement process, establishing what ‘good’ looks like and encouraging best practice across the infrastructure supply chain. If you would like to know more or to join CECA’s Procurement Group contact CECA Director of Operations Marie-Claude Hemming.

CECA FLOOD & MARINE GROUP – CECA’s Flood & Marine Group assists CECA members to gain an understanding of the key issues within the sector and sub-sectors, including relating to financial, contractual, and technical matters, and assists with the sharing of best practice to CECA members. If you would like more information or to join, contact CECA National Civil Engineering Director Peter Crosland.

CECA TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT GROUP – CECA’s Training & Development Group (formerly Forum) meets regularly to brief members and exchange information, share expertise and good practice, as well as providing the opportunity liaise with key stakeholders. Through a 2 way flow of information the T&D Group help CECA to influence qualifications, training strategies and policies for the industry. If you would like more information or to attend, contact CECA Chief Executive Alasdair Reisner.

CECA HIGHWAYS MAINTENANCE GROUP – The CECA Highways Maintenance Group brings together CECA members working as Tier 1, 2 and 3 contractors with an interest in highways maintenance. The Group’s role is to identify and suggest improvements to the way that highways maintenance is performed across the UK, benefitting our clients, our members and the wider public. If you would like more information or to join, contact CECA Director of Operations Marie-Claude Hemming.

CECA PUBLIC AFFAIRS GROUP – The CECA Public Affairs Group allows CECA members direct access to politicians of all parties, civil servants, and a wide range of industry stakeholders. Its meetings offer an opportunity for members to hear directly from decision makers on policy, and to input the views of industry on a wide variety of topics. If you would like more information or to join, contact CECA Director of Operations Marie-Claude Hemming.

CECA ENERGY GROUP – The CECA Energy Group meets to discuss a range of commercial opportunities in the sector including conventional generation, renewables, new nuclear, and skills, and allows members an opportunity to hear directly from clients and innovators. If you would like more information or to join, contact CECA Director of Operations Marie-Claude Hemming.

CECA FOUNDATIONS – Various of CECA’s English regions run CECA ‘Foundations’ Groups for those who are new or relatively new to the industry. There is no upper age limit to participate. The groups run seminars and social events, and take the lead on efforts to attract young people to join our sector. If you are interested in attending or would like to know more, the contacts for CECA’s Foundations Groups are: