CECA Wales periodically produces publications on a range of issues relevant to our members.

These can be downloaded below:

Southeast Wales Highways Framework Update Meeting November 2024 22nd November 2024

Here are the slides from a client contractor meeting of the Southeast Wales Highways Framework providing an update of local authority pipelines of work :

SEWH Client-Contractor Meeting Presentation 22.11.2024

Laying the foundations for future prosperity in Wales 18th May 2024
Building bridges

“Wales must invest in civil engineering to lay the foundations for future prosperity”.

We’re all guilty of taking our infrastructure for granted. Our transport systems, our water systems, flood defences, power and energy, communications and social infrastructure such as schools and hospitals, they all support us in our daily lives. But given how it underpins how well we live our lives then perhaps we should all take a bit more interest in it because when it fails, we feel it!

This article was published in the Western Mail 18th May 2024 https://www.ceca.co.uk/wp-File 24-05-2024, 23 06 48content/uploads/2024/05/


Ed Evans, Director Civil Engineering Contractors Association (CECA) Wales

Cardiff CrossRail Pre-tender Presentation Feb 2024

This is the first of three presentations made by the Cardiff Council team to potential contractors to help shape the tendering process for this prestigious project through the centre of Cardiff.CrossRail contractor presentaion 19Jan2024

Southeast Wales Highways Framework Pipeline 2024

These slides are taken from a presentation made on 7th February 2024 by construction clients involved in the Southeast Wales Highways Framework. The slides provide a snapshot of potential workload from local authorities based in the southeast of Wales.

SEWH Pipeline Presentation Final 070224

thumbnail of CECA Wales Booklet – 2021-compressed
CECA Wales Membership Brochure 2024

This CECA Wales Membership Brochure sets out the benefits of membership, the different categories of membership, how to become a member and how the organisation operates, both within Wales and the relationship with our partners, working together, under the CECA brand, across Wales, Scotland and the six regions of England.

thumbnail of CECA Wales Booklet – 2021-compressed
The value of membership
thumbnail of CECA_Annual Review 2021_English
Annual Review 2020-21 2020-21

This Annual Review sets out what we have achieved at CECA Wales over the last 12 months and our plans for the future.

And if you’d like to read our interactive version just click on this link https://bit.ly/3owlCqM

thumbnail of CECA_Adolygiad Blynyddol 2021_Cymraeg
Adolygiad Blynyddol 2020-21 2020-21

Mae’r adroddiad yma yn disgrifio gwaith CECA Cymru dros y 12 mis diwethaf ac yn cymeryd golwg at y dyfodol.

Ac os hoffech ddarllen ein fersiwn rhyngweithiol dilynwch y linc yma https://bit.ly/3DauYwl

thumbnail of SEWH Market Day Event Webinar v1 presented
Southeast Wales Highways and Civil Engineering Framework Market Day Event 14th June 2021

This Market Day event was held to inform potential bidders of the structure of the forthcoming framework to deliver highway and civil engineering services across southeast Wales from 2022. The content of the presentation slides reflect proposals current as of 14th June 2021 but are subject to change following feedback from the market.

thumbnail of 210512 HS2 CECA SME Forum
HS2 Supply Chain Opportunities 2021

Here’s a quick look at HS2 supply chain opportunities for Welsh civil engineering contractors.

thumbnail of SEWH Pipeline Webinar 13.04.2021
Southeast Wales Highways and Civil Engineering Framework Pipeline April 2021 2021

This document contains the latest forecast pipeline of work for the Southeast Wales Highways and Civil Engineering Framework at April 2021. It is based on data shared by the Framework Managers in a webinar with CECA Wales members on 13th April 2021 and will updated following the next webinar.